Intended Audience: Aspiring healthcare professionals who require basic rhythm recognition skills related to their job position. This includes CNAs interested in stepping into cardiac units, telemetry staff, non-critical/emergency nurses, emergency medical services personnel, respiratory therapists, physician assistants, non-critical/emergency physicians, and dentists. This course is designed for those interested in the field of cardiac monitoring in clinical practice.
Course Information
Course Description: This course presents the student with an introductory overview related to the anatomy and physiology of the heart and electrocardiograms. It also explores normal electrical conduction as well as common variations in the waveform on a cardiac monitoring device. The course will focus on the student’s ability to interpret cardiac monitoring devices.
Student Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: Define characteristics of the cardiac system related to anatomy and physiology of the heart, demonstrate understanding of normal electrophysiology of the cardiac system, recognize normal waveforms in the electrical conduction of the cardiac system, identify common variations in the electrical conduction of the cardiac system, distinguish deadly heart rhythms in the electrical conduction of the cardiac system and to demonstrate an understanding of their role and responsibilities for obtaining & or monitoring EKG/ECGs.
Intended Audience: Aspiring healthcare professionals who require basic rhythm recognition skills related to their job position. This includes CNAs interested in stepping into cardiac units, telemetry staff, non-critical/emergency nurses, emergency medical services personnel, respiratory therapists, physician assistants, non-critical/emergency physicians, and dentists. This course is designed for those interested in the field of cardiac monitoring in clinical practice.
Delivery: Online/virtual format or blended in-person options.